Tales of a Cokonuthead

The life and times of an average Cokonuthead traveling and living in the Pacific Islands, seeking to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only hope for a lost and dying world, to any who have ears and are willing to listen.....

My Photo
Location: Hawaii, United States

Just an average guy.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Freedom has a price

Here's someone who understands the price of freedom.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin for President!...I mean Vice President!

It's been a long absence from this trusty forum. Events of the day, however, require that I record a few thoughts.

Throughout this year I have been less than enthusiastic about the upcoming election. The only thing I've known for sure is that the socialists/Stalinists must be defeated! These anti-God statists want you to believe that the government is the highest authority in the world. They want you to rely on the government, to "give" you your sustenance. They want to destroy our Constitution, steal our liberty, take our guns, silence those who speak the truth (including shutting down talk radio). There are millions of drones in America...aka sheeple...who have signed on to the agenda of theses Stalinists.

McCain was not a candidate who excited the true conservatives in America. This is because politically speaking, he is not a true conservative. However, with the stakes being as high if not higher than they've ever been, conservatives NEED to come together and elect this man.

On August 29 conservatives got the best news they have had in many years. McCain has picked Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska to be his running mate. Who is Governor Sarah Palin? Well, I won't waste time repeating what everyone has already heard. The great thing about Sarah Palin is that she brings HOPE to true conservatives for the future of our country. For a long time there have been no candidates come on the scene who really inspire conservative Americans. This has left us, as we look forward, feeling that things look bleak. The socialists/Stalinists are always on the move, always driving their agenda, always looking for every possible opportunity to seize more and more power. Who is going to counter this? Who is going to represent real Americans? Well, Sarah Palin appears to be someone who will do just that. As Vice President, Sarah Palin will receive the experience she'll need to be the NEXT president. She offers a picture of what the future of US politics could be.

For the record, let it be known that I strongly support McCain/Palin for president in 2008. All true Americans, who love this country, love our Constitution, love liberty--must likewise endeavor to see the socialists/Stalinists defeated this year, and McCain/Palin elected.

And pray for them as well. The socialists/Stalinists will use every underhanded, evil, dirty-trick they can come up with to defame, smear, discredit and destroy McCain/Palin. We must petition our Lord and Savior to protect them from the attacks of the evil one--give them the perserverance, determination and grace to overcome all this and to finish strong!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Earth aka Tempest in a Teapot

It's really amazing, when you consider just how big our universe is....well, when you consider just how small Earth is within our universe. Our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. Do you know how far a light year is? Light travels at 186,000 miles/second. That's 11,160,000 miles/minute. That's 669,600,000 miles/hour. That's 16,070,400,000 miles/day. That's 5,865,696,000,000 miles/year. 5.8 trillion miles! That's one light year! Now multiply that by 100,000, and you see that our galaxy is 586,569,600,000,000,000 miles across!!!! Earth is less that 8,000 miles in diameter. That means it would require more than
73,321,200,000,000 "earths" to stretch from one end of our galaxy to the other. Do you realize how SMALL the Earth is? Does this help?
Do you know the difference between a million and a billion and a trillion? We here these numbers so often, usually related to government spending, and we start to be desensitized to just how different these numbers are.
Let's use time for a demonstration of the difference between a million, a billion, and a trillion.
Today is May 11, 2006. One million seconds ago, it was April 30, 2006.
One billion seconds ago it was approximately August 27, 1975.
One trillion seconds ago it was approximately 29,703 BC!!!!
A million is much less than a billion, which is hugely less than a trillion!
Light travels 5.8 trillion miles in a year!
And there are galaxies millions of light years away from Earth!
Does this start to give you an idea of the size of our universe? And the absolute insignificance of our little planet? And all the wars, hatred and killing on our planet over all sorts of essentially insignificant things?
The most amazing part of the whole thing is that God created the whole universe. He holds it in His hand.
This planet we live on, which to most people living here seems so important, and who fill there lives with pursuits of absolute frivolity and vanity, is nothing more than a speck of dust, supported in a ray of sunlight. Our lives are like a vapor. They are here for a moment, then disappear, as though they had never happened.
Ultimately we are all like little ants. We live our short lives moving things from here to there. When all is said and done, all we've really accomplished is we've moved a lot of things from place to place. All the materials were here before we were, and they remain after we leave. All we do is move them around.
So what's the point? What is the POINT????
The point is this.
We are not here by chance.
We live in a garden. There is no garden which does not have a gardener.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made.
The complexity and intricacy and beauty of the human body did not happen by chance.
We were created by the Creator of everything.
He put us here.
He designed this world to support us, provide for us, enlighten us, amaze us, and to reveal Himself to us.
He loves us.
He visited us, as one of us. He came as a man.
The Creator of the universe, who knows every star by name, who knows the number of hairs on our heads, who knows every thought and idle word we speak, He created us.
And He loves us.
He created us in His image.
He is a rational, loving, relational Creator, who gave us the capacity to love. Who created us for relationships.
He created us to show us His glory.
And we have rebelled against Him.
We have rejected Him. The Mighty One. The One who made everything! Who made us.
We people, like ants, reject the One who made us. Who provides for us. Who holds our very lives in His hands. Every breath we take is a gift from our patient and loving God.
He's giving us time. He's like a Shepherd, who lost a sheep. Does the Shepherd say to Himself, "Well, I've still got 99 sheep, shall I worry about the one who has gone astray?"
Any good shepherd would not abandon the one who was lost, but would go and search for him.
Our Creator is the Good Shepherd. He seeks His lost sheep. He does not want that even one should perish.
And yet we, like sheep, have all gone astray. We run from the One who created us, to whom we owe everything. We are very ungrateful, to say the least. And if we really understood what we will lose if we reject His love...I shudder to think.
If He gave us what we deserve we would suffer eternally. Never to know love again. Never to know warmth again, never to know peace again.
But He loves us.
He came to this Earth, this speck of dust in the universe, to demonstrate how much He loves us.
He did what no man could do.
He took upon Himself the punishment that we deserve for our pride. Our "independence". Our rebellion. Our hatred and contempt for the One who made us.
He satisfied the wrath of our Creator, receiving the punishment that we deserve, when He died on the cross.
God. From Heaven. Came to Earth. Humbled Himself. Washed the feet of His disciples. Endured humiliation, rejection, torture and death.
Because He does not desire that any of us should perish.
He provided a means that we can be made right in our relationship with Him. The God of the universe. We can have peace with Him. We can stand before Him, when we die, and not be destroyed. We can be the benefactors of His endless love and grace, and live with Him eternally.
Our God.
The Only God.
The One who created everything.
All He requires of us is that we trust in Him. That we believe in our hearts that He died for our sins, and confess with our mouths that Jesus is King!
That we give credit where credit is due.
That we say to Him, "Lord, I know that You are God, and I am not."
I will not waste my life in pursuit of things which I cannot keep.
I will not waste my life pursuing money, power, fame.
I will not waste my life trying to satisfy my ever-changing and insatiable appetites for material things, for physical pleasures.
I will live my life for You.
The One who made me. The One who sustains me. The One who knows me better than I know myself. The One who created me for a purpose.
I will live for You!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Empty Tomb

Praise God, that Jesus rose from the dead as was prophesied, and that His blood cleanses us from our sin!

Still alive and kicking

I don't seem to get much time for writing here, in fact I haven't said much of anything significant since starting this blog. Sadly, Terri Schiavo was killed by her husband and the sick judge from Florida, a shocking example of the moral decadence our country has accepted as the norm.
George Bush, while certainly the best option we had in 2004, has failed in many ways to live up to his responsibilities to protect our nation and it's people. Our borders are as porous as a sieve, and millions of illegals have infested our society like the aphids and mealy bugs on my bean plants, draining the economy and our infrastructure of money and resources. This is not all, because surely as I'm sitting here, would-be terrorists are literally walking into our country. They have learned that, for now, they cannot come in through the airports, so they are coming in on foot. Our president, whose Constitutional responsibility is to protect our nation from foreign invasions, sits and does nothing. Our country is truly doomed to ruin. It is sad, because America was a great country. My only consolation is knowing that God's kingdom is greater than any earthly nation that has ever existed, and it awaits me when I leave this life.
If you don't know where you are going when you die, and would like to, please let me know and I will share with you what I know about the way of salvation.
I hope you have a nice day. Use it to glorify God. Worship Him, not men, and not things made with men's hands. God is our creator, we are His creation. He desires that we should think of Him, worship Him (by living godly lives), and obey Him. He has a right to expect this from us because He created us and our lives are in His hands.
God bless you, my friend.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Please help save Terri Schiavo's life...

Friday, November 12, 2004

Day One

Greetings and welcome to my blog.

As you know, God has shown mercy on the USA and blessed us with a good president for the next 4 years. Let's pray that Americans will recognize God's goodness and repent.

Have a nice day!